The Normative Dimension
Universiteto street 9
Talks at this conference
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The conference is devoted to clarifying the nature of normativity in core areas of theoretical and practical philosophy, such as philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of action, and ethics. The questions to be addressed include (but are not limited) to:
- Does linguistic meaning have an essentially normative dimension? Is language governed by rules? Can there be linguistic normativity without rules?
- Is knowledge of rules practical knowledge? Is it propositional? Is it a case of knowing how, or a species of knowing that?
- What place do norms occupy in a morality or moral outlook? What is the relationship between norms and values? Can culpability be defined in terms of norms?
Keynote speakers
Maria Alvarez (King’s College London)
Hans-Johann Glock (University of Zurich)
John Hyman (University College London)
Severin Schroeder (University of Reading)
Abstract Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts suitable for anonymous review by email to [email protected]. Abstracts should not exceed 1000 words. The deadline for submission is 25 April 2025.
Papers based on the presented talks will be considered for publication in a special issue of Problemos, a philosophy journal run by Vilnius University Press ( Authors of the selected talks are expected, though not required, to contribute.
Registration fees
- Students 50€
- Non-students 100€
(Registration fee covers the conference dinner; waivers might be considered)
Important dates
Abstract submission: 25 April 2025
Author notification: 5 May 2025
Conference: 19-20 June 2025
Papers submission for blind review: 15 September 2025
Publication of the special issue: December 2025
Conference Venue
Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Universiteto street 9, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Mindaugas Gilaitis (Vilnius University), Živilė Pabijutaitė (Vilnius University), Paulius Rimkevičius (Vilnius University)
Institute of Philosophy, Vilnius University
Please direct all inquiries by email to [email protected]
The event is free to attend. If you intend to come to the conference as a non-speaker, please register by sending an email to [email protected]. The deadline for registration is 12 June, 2025.
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