2nd CPWP International Virtual Conference on the Theme “Comparative Philosophy Toward World Philosophy”

April 24, 2025 - May 29, 2025

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  • International Society for Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy (CPWP)
  • International Buddhist Studies College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU)
  • the Center for Science, Technology, and Society, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
  • Comparative Philosophy: An International Journal of Constructive Engagement of Distinct Approaches toward World Philosophy


Chulalongkorn University
College of Wooster

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Papers are being called for the Second International Virtual Conference of the International Society for Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy on the theme “Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy.” We are interested in papers that carry out cross-tradition engaging examination of a range of philosophical issues that are (or can be) jointly concerned and approached by distinct resources from different philosophical traditions (through appropriate philosophical interpretation and from a broader and/or higher philosophical vantage point). For example, an examination of the issue of the Self from the Western and Buddhist perspectives, or an investigation of an issue in bioethics from the Confucian standpoint and from the standpoint of a Western ethical theory. Papers that deal with methodological issues, such as on how to achieve “constructive engagement” leading to a truly global philosophy, are welcome too. However, papers that do not fall directly within these domains, but are of interest to a wider audience cutting across traditions, are welcome too.

Please send an abstract of your presentation to Soraj Hongladarom athsoraj@chula.ac.thfor consideration of presentation at the Conference. Abstract should be between 200 to 500 words. The deadline of submission is April 4, 2025.

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