Philosophy and Conspiracy Theories

March 17, 2025

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  • The Royal Institute of Philosophy


University of Birmingham
University of Kent at Canterbury


University of Birmingham

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What is the role of philosophy in tackling the presence of conspiracy theories in society? This webinar showcases the interdisciplinary nature of the philosophical work being done in this area, working alongside scholars in Film Studies, Theology, Psychology and Adaptation Studies.

The webinar is chaired by Lisa Bortolotti and will feature as panellists Alaina Schempp, U-Wen Low, and Kathleen-Murphy-Hollies. Lisa, Alaina, U-Wen and Kathleen are all members of an interdisciplinary project, ‘Film, Storytelling and Conspiracies’, and will talk about how a common focus on ‘storytelling’ is guiding collaborative work on conspiracy theorising.

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March 16, 2025, 9:00am UTC

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#conspiracy theories, film and philosophy