What is Good Reasoning?
Jonathan Way (University of Southampton)

February 3, 2014, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
University of London

Room 243
Senate House
United Kingdom

Topic areas


Mon 3 Feb
5.00pm, Room 243, second floor, Senate House, WC1 Jonathan Way(Southampton) What is Good Reasoning?
Abstract: This paper considers the prospects for a unified account of good practical and theoretical reasoning. In the first half of the paper, I argue that good reasoning should not be understood as reasoning which brings us to comply with rational requirements of coherence, or reasoning which leads us to attitudes for which there are reasons. In the second half of the paper, I outline a new account, on which good reasoning takes us to fitting or correct attitudes. I argue that this view offers a promising unified account of good practical and theoretical reasoning.

Updates and abstracts http://philosophy.sas.ac.uk/PracticalReasoning2014 
Poster: http://philosophy.sas.ac.uk/sites/default/files/files/PracticalReasoningSpring2014.pdf
Organised by Maria Alvarez ([email protected]) and Clayton Littlejohn ([email protected]), King's College London
Admission Free. All welcome. End Announcement.

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