2nd CFA: Filtering Truth: A Graduate Conference on Epistemic Bubbles, Echo Chambers and the Spread of Misinformation
Submission deadline: March 31, 2025
Conference date(s):
July 3, 2025 - July 5, 2025
Conference Venue:
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
This year’s graduate conference is devoted to the increasingly relevant phenomena of socio-epistemic structures in which the access to relevant sources of information is “filtered”, i.e., systematically modified, so as to channel certain contents to the exclusion of others. As a result, the epistemic attitudes of participants in such structures and their conferral of epistemic credentials on others are manipulated. Epistemic bubbles and echo-chambers are varieties of such socio-epistemic structures. Philosophical reflection on the topic aims to conceptualize information filters and related phenomena in order to explore their normative dimensions.
We aim to bring together early career and advanced researchers in order to discuss questions such as: What differentiates echo chambers from epistemic bubbles? Are epistemic bubbles inherently bad? How does one “pop” an epistemic bubble or break out of an echo-chamber? How do epistemic bubbles and echo chambers interact with other pernicious misinformation phenomena (e.g. fake-news, post-truth attitudes, bullshitting, conspiracy theories, etc.). What role can and should epistemic experts play in navigating this? What roles do epistemic virtues and vices play?
We welcome submissions on any topic related to our theme including but not limited to:
The ways in which social structures determine what information we seek out and trust
The role of epistemic virtue and vice in moving in and out of epistemic bubbles
The role of ignorance for epistemic bubbles and echo chambers
The nature of misinformation and conspiracy theorizing
The role of “filters” in political and ideological polarization
The significance of information filters for structures of societal oppression
The phenomena of post-truth, bullshit and fake news
The significance of technologies, e.g., the internet, social media, AI etc., for knowledge constitution
Submission information:
- Length: Maximum of 500 words, suitable for a 25-30 min presentation (45 min including Q&A)
- Language: English
- Deadline: March 31, 2025
- Submission: Please submit a PDF of your anonymized abstract to [email protected] with the subject line “WFAP 2025 Abstract Submission” along with a cover sheet containing your name, email-address and institutional affiliation.
- Funding: We aim to provide some funding for some of our invited graduate speakers. Please let us know whether you would like to be considered for funding.
This conference aims to foster dialogue among young researchers (advanced MA and PhD) interested in these topics, providing a platform to present and discuss work in progress.
All abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Vienna Forum for Analytic Philosophy. Accepted talks should be suitable for a 25-30 min presentation. It should be clear from your abstract which authors and debates your talk will address. Contributions relating to the work of the keynote speakers are particularly welcome.
If you have any questions regarding our conference, please do not hesitate to contact Irmena Tsankova ([email protected])
We especially welcome and encourage submissions from members of under-represented groups in philosophy! If you are a member of such a group, feel welcome to include this information in your email.
We look forward to your submissions!
The Vienna Forum for Analytic Philosophy