Newman, Plantinga and Darwin's Doubt
Chris Oldfield

March 13, 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick

Institute of Advanced Study, Zeeman building
Coventry Cv4 7AL
United Kingdom

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University of Warwick

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The thought would be that John Henry Newman gave us a way of thinking about doubt, assent and inference in his essay in aid of a grammar of assent, that has been lost sight of. In the contemprary philosophy of mind and epistemology philosophers have tended to think of faith and doubt as equal/opposite positions or states of mind situated on a sliding scale from unbelief through degrees of credence to fullly justified, warranted, true belief or knowledge. In Newman's way of thinking, I will argue (following Antognazza 2024) that this way of thinking rests on a profound mistake, which is exhibited by Alvin Plantinga's reconstruction of  Darwin's doubt as an instance of Bayesian reasoning, or a premise in his argument against naturalism.

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March 13, 2025, 5:30pm BST

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