CFP: Philosophical Roots of National Socialism

Submission deadline: November 20, 2025

Conference date(s):
September 7, 2026 - September 11, 2026

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l'Educació, Universitat de Valencia
Valencia, Spain

Topic areas


The call for papers is hereby opened for the international conference “Philosophical Roots of National Socialism”, that will be held from 7-11 September 2026 in the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the University of València. Among the confirmed speakers are, in alphabetical order, Barbara Zehnpfennig (Passau / Berlin), Christian Hartmann (Potsdam), Günter Zöller (Munich), Herlinde Pauer-Studer (Vienna), Óscar Cubo (València), Othmar Plöckinger (Salzburg), Pedro Jesús Teruel (València) and Salvi Turró (Barcelona). 

Originals related to any aspect of the theoretical foundation of the nationalsocialism and its disastrous political and cultural influence will be welcome. Of particular interest will be the proposals on its philosophical roots, with special emphasis on the review of these connections in the field of classical German philosophy, from Kant to Hegel, and its sources.

The conference is conceived from the basic position that the ideological theses expressed and assumed by the nationalsocialism are intellectually disgusting and have had an extremely horrible effect on world history. This is precisely why it seems important to us to critically examine the roots of those theses and to meticulously research their philosophical background. This unmasks and denounces the self-blameful ignorance and maliciousness of National Socialist ideology. We consider this intellectual work to be particularly important today, when new political movements are silently developing and insinuating similar theses into the public domain, thereby jeopardizing the future of humanity.

PhDs will submit title and abstract (100 words maximum), together with academic affiliation, until November 20, 2025 to the email address [email protected]. Authors who are not PhD will also submit the whole text of the paper, according to the guidelines (pp. 2-3). Notice of acceptance will be given before March 19, 2026. The participation fee is 180 euros (academics) and € 60 (doctoral students).

The paper can be redacted and presented in English, Spanish, Valencian / Catalan or German. If the paper is written in English, Spanish or Valencian, a German translation will be provided before April 22, 2026 (if it is written in German, an English translation will be provided). For each paper there will be 30 minutes of exposition and 20 minutes of debate.

The originals will be published by the prestigious Valencian publisher Tirant lo Blanch. In the ranking of Spanish scientific publishers drawn up by the Spanish Superior Research Council, Tirant is number 1 out of more than three hundred. The publication will take place in both printed format and e-book. 

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