CFP: 2nd Dortmund Conference on Philosophy and Society with Kate Vredenburgh (LSE)
Submission deadline: May 31, 2025
Conference date(s):
October 1, 2025 - October 2, 2025
Conference Venue:
Department of Philosophy and Political Science, TU Dortmund
Call for Contributions
We invite scholars to submit papers for the first day of the conference. We welcome contributions on the topics sketched above, including, but not limited to:
Explainable AI – perspectives from ethics, political philosophy, epistemology, and philosophy of science
The right to explanation
Algorithmic bias and algorithmic fairness
The impact of AI on institutions
The impact of AI on the future work
Contributions engaging with Vredenburgh’s are especially welcome, but we will also consider work on these topics more broadly.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts should be no more than 500 words, prepared for blind review.
Submissions should be sent as PDF attachments to Paul Klur [[email protected]]. Please use the subject line “CfP Vredenburgh”.
The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2025.
Limited funding may be available to cover travel and accommodation expenses for speakers who cannot otherwise finance these costs.
Registration and Additional Information
For registration details, conference program, and additional information, please visit our website.