Symposium on the Philosophy of Neurodiversity and Mental Health
All talks take place in South Foundation Hall 316, except the public keynote address by Robert Chapman in the Oakland Center Gold Rooms B&C
318 Meadow Brook Rd
Rochester 48309
United States
Talks at this conference
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10:00am: Abigail Gosselin (Regis), “Internalized Mental Illness Stigma and Its Harms"
11:00am: Caro Flores (UC Santa Cruz), “Reclaiming Rationality: What the Neurodiversity Paradigm Requires of Epistemology”
2:00pm: C. Dalrymple-Fraser (Toronto), “mad dis/appearings”
7:00pm: Keynote: Robert Chapman (Durham) “Mad Pride in Revolutionary England: Reinterpreting the Ranters" [live ASL interpretation provided]
All events in the symposium include dim lighting, have dedicated quiet rooms available, are elevator accessible, and have access to gender-neutral restrooms.
Free and no registration required. Please contact August Gorman at [email protected] with questions.
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