Pragmatist Philosophy of History

April 14, 2025
Centre for the Philosophy of Historiography, University of Ostrava

E-205 (E-Building)
Čs. legií 150/9
Czech Republic


University of Ostrava
University of Oulu
Harvard University

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Workshop Pragmatist Philosophy of History

14.04.2025, 9.00-14h

E-205 (E-Building)

Čs. legií 150/9

University of Ostrava

In recent years, pragmatism has found its way into the philosophy of history, not least through the groundbreaking work of Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen. On occasion of his forthcoming new book “Doing, Knowing and Getting it Right: Methodologism as Pragmatism”, we will hold this workshop on pragmatist philosophy of history with Kuukkanen. The individual presentations will discuss the new book and the idea of a pragmatist philosophy of history more generally.

The workshop is open for everybody. If you would like to join, please register with Georg Gangl (georg.gangl[at] to receive the reading.


09.00-09.30: Introduction to the book and Pragmatist Philosophy of History (Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen)

09.30-10.00: The Logics of Historiography. Reading Kuukkanen with Fischer and vice versa (Georg Gangl)

10.00-10.30: Coffee Break

10.30-11.00: Discussion of the book and topic II (David Cernin)

11.00.-11.30: Knowing and Getting it Right: A Bayesian Perspective (Aviezer Tucker)

11.30-12.30: Lunch break

12.30.-13.00: The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia: Reflections on Kuukkanen's Doing, Knowing and Getting it Right (Adam Timmins)

13.00-13.30: On the distinction between “to settle our beliefs” and “to guide our conversational practices” (Eugen Zelenak)

13.30-14.00: Final Discussion

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