Commemorating Frege: Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics
Sala Maynense
Lisbon Academy of Sciences
Lisbon 1200-032
- Lisbon Academy of Sciences
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The “Commemorating Frege: Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics” Workshop will take place in Lisbon over three days, from Wednesday 10 September through Friday 12 September 2025, at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, under the auspices of LanCog and the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon.
This workshop will commemorate the centenary, in 2025, of Gottlob Frege’s death, and aims to bring together philosophers working on Frege's and Fregean approaches to logic and the philosophy of mathematics, both from a historical and a contemporary perspective.
Confirmed invited speakers: Francesca Boccuni (Vita Salute San-Raffaele University), Philip Ebert (University of Stirling), Leila Haaparanta (University of Helsinki), Erich H. Reck (UC Riverside), Kai F. Wehmeier (UC Irvine), and Crispin Wright (University of Stirling).
In addition to six invited talks, the organisers are calling for submissions for six contributed talks. We welcome proposals, especially from early career researchers, that engage with Fregean approaches to logic and the philosophy of mathematics. Contributed talks are expected to be 60 minutes-long (plus 30 minutes-long discussion).
Proposals for contributed talks should consist of 300-word abstract. These should be sent by email attachment in PDF format, with name and affiliation, to [email protected] and [email protected] by Wednesday 30 April 2025. Notification of the talks selected for presentation will be by Friday 30 May 2025.
Talks will be given in-person. We are applying for funding that we hope will enable us to cover or at least help with travel expenses and accommodation of the contributed speakers.
For more information or enquiries, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].
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