Lost in Ideas: Intellectual History before the Guillotine

April 10, 2025 - April 11, 2025
University College London

Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre
Wilkins Building, University College London, Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

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Day One: Thursday 11th of April 2025

Welcome and Registration: (10.00-10.15)

Introductory remarks: (10.15 - 10.30)

Prof. Angus Gowland (UCL)

Panel 1: Re-reading the classics (10.30 - 12.00)

  1. Marta Spina (Warwick) – Republicanism and Freedom in Florence: Sallust’s Influence on the Development of Early Renaissance Political Thought
  2. Lidia Negoi (Independent scholar) – Aristotle for the Many: Social and Ethical Ideas in Late Medieval Sermons
  3. Matthew Haji-Michael (Vienna) – Plato's Political Realism

LUNCH: (12.00 - 13.00)

Panel 2: Global Chronologies and Christian Formats (13.00 - 14.00)

  1. Ross Moncrieff (Oxford) – The Chinese Noah: Harmonising Chinese and Biblical Chronology in Early Modern Britain and China
  2. Sofía Williamson-García (Cambridge) – Domingo Chimalpahin: Between Epistemologies of Time

Break (14.00 - 14.30)

Panel 3: Virtues in a Christian World (14.30 - 16.00)

  1. Yunru Chen (Cambridge) – Augustine’s exchange with Nectarius
  2. Susie Heywood (KCL) – The Virtue of Prudence: forgotten hero of medieval political thought
  3. Eero Arum (Berkeley) – Jean Bodin’s Demonic Constitutionalism: Sovereignty, Natural Law, and Political Theology

Break (16.00 - 16.30)

Keynote lecture: (16.30 - 18.00)

Dr. Dmitri Levitin (Oxford) - Saving Early Modernity from Modernity: the New Contextualism

Wine reception: 18.00-19.00

Day two: Friday, 11th of April 2025:

Panel 4: Politics and Artifice (10.30 - 12.00)

  1. Karl Peeter Valk (Tallinn) – The Clock and its Maker: On the Late Medieval Mechanical Turn
  2. Genevieve E. Caulfield (UCL) – Political visions: Reframing Roger Bacon’s and Johannes Kepler’s optics as political thought
  3. James Coghill (Independent scholar) – Unruly Beasts and the advance of common law in the 16th century

Lunch: (12:00 - 13.00)

Panel 5: Nature before and after the Fall (13.00 - 14.30)

  1. Lilia M. Ellis (Chicago) – Human weakness, divine love: a theological anthropology of finitude and infinitude in Julian of Norwich
  2. Valentin Braekman (Lausanne) – What if Adam Had Not Sinned? Francisco Suárez on the Foundations of Political Power
  3. Eva-Sophie Mörschel (Erfurt) – Towards an early modern approach to privacy: Bodin and private contemplation

Break: 14.30-14.45

Panel 6: Tinkering with texts and genres (14.45 - 16.15)

  1. Robyn MacLeod Stewart (York) – The Use of the Eusebian Apparatus in Hiberno-Latin Gospel Texts (c. 700-900): Paratextual and Intertextual Approaches
  2. Edvald Johnsen (NUST) – Phaedrus’s Aesop
  3. Charlotte McCallum (QMUL) – Nicholas Machiavel’s Letter to Zanobius Buondelmontius in Vindication of Himself and His Writings (1675): texts, paratexts, context

Break: (16.15 - 16.30)

Roundtable: (16.30 - 18.00)

Prof. Andrew Fitzmaurice (QMUL) - Concluding Remarks

Prof. George Garnett (Oxford)

Prof. Valentina Arena (Oxford)

Dr. Shiru Lim (Leiden)

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April 11, 2025, 9:00am BST

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