The Idea of Moral Progress in the Utilitarian Tradition
Room 145/146, Building 50.41
- Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
- Gesellschaft für Utilitarismusstudien
- CompPhil²MMAE
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*The Idea of Moral Progress in the Utilitarian Tradition*
23-24 May 2025
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe/Germany
From its earliest days onwards, the (secular) utilitarian tradition has always seen itself as on the side of moral progress, against conservative and "sinister" interests. Even opponents of the doctrine often concende that, in retrospect, utilitarians were often right to oppose discriminatory laws and customs. The idea of progress has also been used by utilitarians as an argumentative resource against competing normative theories. This workshop aims to combine systematic and historical perspectives and to explore questions such as:
- How have utilitarians thought about the idea of moral improvement?
- How and why do they differ?
- How might their views have changed over time?
- What role does this idea play in their philosophical outlook?
- Eleonora Buono (Lausanne/Switzerland)
- Guilia Cantamessi (Pavia/Italy)
- Roger Crisp (Oxford/United Kingdom)
- Julia Driver (Austin/USA)
- Annette Dufner (Bielefeld/Germany)
- Frauke Höntzsch (Augsburg/Germany)
- Helen McCabe (Nottingham/United Kingdom)
- Michael Schefczyk (Karlsruhe/Germany)
- Cyriak Schmitz (Karlsruhe/Germany)
- Christian Seidel (Karlsruhe/Germany)
This event will be a modified pre-read workshop: We will distribute extended handouts (rather than full papers) to participants about a week in advance. Registration by email ([email protected]) by 14 May 2025 is required. Please also let us know if you plan to attend the conference dinner (on 23 May 2025).
Further info:
The workshop is generously supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the German Society for Utilitarian
Studies (Gesellschaft für Utilitarismusstudien).
May 14, 2025, 12:00pm CET
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#Utilitarianism, #Moral Progress, #History of Philosophy