The Objectivity of Morality: A Workshop in Metaethics
Dekanatssitzungssaal, 1st floor
Karl-Rahner-Platz 1
Innsbruck 6020
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Organizer: Bruno Niederbacher ([email protected])
Wednesday, May 7 | Seminarraum VI (Karl-Rahner-Platz 3, 1st floor)
16:45-17:30: Christopher Kulp (Santa Clara University): Why Moral Objectivity?
17:30-18:15: Discussion
Thursday, May 8 | Dekanatssitzungssaal (Karl-Rahner-Platz 1, 1st floor)
08:30-09:15: Christopher Kulp (Santa Clara University): Moral Properties as the Foundation of Moral Objectivity
09:15-09:30: Discussion
09:30-10:15: Gerhard Ernst (University Erlangen-Nürnberg): On the Objectivity of Reasons
10:15-10:30: Discussion
11:00-11:45: Marie-Luisa Frick (University of Innsbruck): Moral Objectivity? A Sceptical View
11:45-12:00: Discussion
14:00-14:45: Bruno Niederbacher SJ (University of Innsbruck): Moral Facts: What are they and who needs them?
14:45-15:00: Discussion
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