Humane Philosophy and the Arts

July 19, 2014
The Humane Philosophy Project, Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford

The Aula
64 St Giles
Oxford OX1 3LY
United Kingdom

View the Call For Papers


  • Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw
  • Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, University of Oxford


John Cottingham
Heythrop College
Louise Hanson
Cambridge University
Colin McGinn
Zofia Rosi?ska
Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland
Roger Scruton
Oxford University
Stewart Sutherland
Gresham College


Przemys?aw Bursztyka
Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland
Mikołaj Sławkowski-Rode
Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland
Ralph Weir
Oxford University

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The organisers of the Humane Philosophy Project are proud to announce the project’s 2014 summer conference ‘Humane Philosophy and the Arts’.

The aim of the 2014 conference of the Humane Philosophy Project is to re-examine the philosophical import of the arts and the relationship between philosophical enquiry and artistic endeavour. Rather than attempting to develop another philosophical theory of art, or an aesthetic taxonomy of its artefacts the organisers hope in particular to provide a forum for the investigation of whether and where philosophy and art can meet, and to what degree each may inform the other. This will involve both looking at philosophical work that has inspired the arts, and works of art which address philosophical questions. However this does not necessarily mean the attempt of ‘decoding’ philosophical claims conveyed in artistic form. Indeed whether it is possible to convey what is achieved by a work of art in another medium is itself a controversial question. In addition to talks on the conference theme of Humane Philosophy and the Arts the event will include a number of talks representing some of the broader interests of the Humane Philosophy Project.

The Humane Philosophy Project is an international initiative based at the Universities of Oxford and Warsaw which aims to provide a home and a platform for the best contemporary examples of philosophical research that seeks to expound a humane understanding of philosophical issues. This includes in particular engaging in philosophical enquiry in the context of the world of human concerns, and values, inhabited by persons – in philosophy sometimes referred to as the Lebenswelt. A number of philosophers have argued recently that such a broad ‘humane’ approach to philosophy has been under threat for different reasons both in the continental and the analytic traditions. The Humane Philosophy Project seeks to contribute to a redress of the balance between humane and the non-humane philosophical enquiry. It is hoped that in doing so the project may help bridge the divide between the ‘continental’ and ‘analytical’ traditions in philosophy, a divide exacerbated by a degree of abandonment on either side of the common ground provided by humane concerns. The project also aims to help revitalise the connection between contemporary philosophy, the arts and humanities and our broader intellectual and cultural heritage.

Planned events of the Humane Philosophy Project over the years 2014-2017 are grouped around three broad themes, each of which is felt to be of special significance either as areas of humane enquiry or for the very viability of humane philosophy. These themes are: Humane Philosophy and the Arts, Humane Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology, and Humane Philosophy and Scientism.


All those wishing to attend the conference are invited to contact Mikolaj Slawkowski-Rode at Please title your message 'conference registration'. 

The registration fee of 10 pounds contributes towards a simple lunch, tea and coffee for the day, and a wine reception at the event’s close. Details concerning ways to pay, and the payment deadline will  be given in the confirmation. There are also a limited number of places available at the speakers and sponsors dinner, which is to take place at 8pm at St Cross College on the night of the event. The cost of securing a place at the dinner is 50 pounds, and places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. 

For more information please see our CFP. (link above)

This conference is organised by the Humane Philosophy Project. The Humane Philosophy Project is an international initiative based at the Universities of Oxford and Warsaw which aims to provide a home and a platform for the best contemporary examples of humane philosophy. For more information please contact (UK) or (PL). 

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July 7, 2014, 9:00pm BST

m.slawkowski-rode[here goes you know what sign]

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