The Affective Face of Desire

May 15, 2014 - May 16, 2014
University of Rennes 1


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Jeudi 15 mai 2014

 Accueil à partir de 9h 30

 10h-11h Mathias Pessiglione, Institut du cerveau et de la moelle épinière

The neural code of subjective value

 Pause 15 min.

 11h15-12h Agnes Moors, Ghent University

Dissociations registered in different behavioral channels may point at conflicting wantings and their corresponding likings rather than at liking without wanting and wanting without liking.

 Pause 15 min.

 12h15-13h Helen Tibboel, Ghent University

Dissociations between “wanting” and “liking” in addiction

 14h30-15h30 Gabriel Robert, King College London et Université de Rennes 1

Apathy and emotional deficiencies in Parkinson disease and schizophrenia

 15h45-16h45 Jennifer Corns, Glasgow University

The causal profile of negative hedonic tone

 17h-18h Tim Schroeder, Ohio State University

Psychological Hedonism Refuted by Philosophy and Neuroscience, Working Together

vendredi 16 Mai

8h30-9h30 Stéphane Lemaire, Université de Rennes 1

Isn’t there a version of psychological hedonism that could be saved ?

 9h45-10h45 Serge Luquet, Université Paris-Diderot

Motivational and rewarding aspect of feeding: learning from mice models

 11h-12h Marc Vérin, Université de Rennes 1



13h30-14h30 Richard Holton, Cambridge University

What’s the good of pleasure?

 14h45-16h Didier Grandjean, Université de Genève


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Lieu de la conférence

Université de Rennes 1 - UFR de philosophie - Bât. 32B - Salle 13
Avenue du Général Leclerc - Campus de Beaulieu - CS 74 205  - 35 042 RENNES cedex

Pour se rendre sur le campus de Beaulieu, prendre le bus ligne 4, direction Beaulieu Atalante et descendre à l'arrêt "Beaulieu - Restau U".

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