2014 NZAP Conference (Formerly AAP New Zealand)

November 30, 2014 - December 4, 2014
Department of Philosophy, Canterbury University

New Zealand

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The conference is designed to give academics and postgraduate students in philosophy and related subjects the opportunity to present and discuss their papers. All areas of philosophy are welcome. Choose between 60-minute and 90-minute long sessions. 

Extended deadline for submitting abstracts (max. 250 words) is 9th November 2014. 

The deadline for (discounted) early bird registration is 9th November 2014.

Registration for the conference is now open. Please visit the conference website for registration and submission of abstracts.

The opening address will be given by NZAP secretary Justine Kingsbury (Waikato) on the evening of Monday, 1st December.

Max Cresswell (Victoria) will give a plenary address to coincide precisely with the centenary of A. N. Prior’s birth on Thursday, 4th December. 

The conference will include a Prior stream.  Further celebrations of the centenary are planned along with an edited volume of papers.

We welcome proposals for other streams and/or panel discussions.  Please contact us with suggestions.

On the weekend immediately before the Conference (29-30 November), the Australasian Association of Logic will hold their annual conference at the same venue.  More information here: http://aal.ltumathstats.com/.

We have funding available to assist a limited number of postgraduate students who are enrolled for graduate study at a New Zealand university and who need to travel from within New Zealand.  Please visit our website for more details.

Further information about the conference is available on the website.  If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Kind regards,

The 2014 NZAP Conference Committee:

Douglas Campbell, Carolyn Mason and Michael-John Turp.

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October 31, 2014, 3:00pm NZST

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School of Oriental and African Studies

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