CFP: 2014 Great Plains Graduate Philosophy Conference

Submission deadline: August 15, 2014

Conference date(s):
October 24, 2014 - October 25, 2014

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, University of Kansas
Lawrence, United States

Topic areas


The Department of Philosophy at The University of Kansas is proud to announce The 2014 Great Plains Graduate Philosophy Conference, sponsored by The University of Kansas, GASP and Auslegung: A Journal of Philosophy.
Keynote speaker will be Dr. John Heil from Washington University St. Louis. Dr. John Heil works in metaphysics, philosophy of mind and logic. His most recent book The Universe As We Find It was recently published by Oxford University Press in 2012.

The date of the conference is from October 24 - 25.


We welcome submissions by graduate students on any philosophical issue. Submissions should be prepared for anonymous review and not exceed 4000 words. Submissions must be sent before August 15, 2014 to [email protected].

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