Issues in Collective Epistemology
October 24, 2014 - October 25, 2014
Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University
Norris University Center, Lake Room 203
1999 Campus Drive
Evanston 60208
United States
- The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Don Fallis
University of Arizona
Tal Golan
University of California, San Diego
Alvin Goldman
Rutgers University
Shiela Jasanoff
Harvard University
Javier Lezaun
Oxford University
Donald MacKenzie
University of Edinburgh
Kay Mathiesen
University of Arizona
Northeastern University
Duncan Pritchard
University of Edinburgh
Deborah Tollefsen
University of Memphis
Sanford Goldberg
Northwestern University
Matthew Kopec
Northwestern University
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Registration is free and open to the public (but will help us greatly in planning refreshments).
If you have any questions or comments, please email Matthew Kopec at [email protected].
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