CFP: Kentucky Philosophical Association

Submission deadline: February 20, 2015

Conference date(s):
April 10, 2015 - April 11, 2015

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Owensboro Community and Technical College
Owensboro, United States

Topic areas


Kentucky Philosophical Association

SPRING 2015 Meeting  

Friday and Saturday, April 10-11, 2015

Owensboro Community and Technical College

Owensboro, Kentucky  

Keynote Address: Kate Abramson Indiana University - Bloomington   

CALL FOR PAPERS—General Meeting

Submission requirements: Submissions on any philosophical topic are welcome. Papers should not exceed 3,000 words and should be prepared for blind review. Include the following information as a cover page in a separate file:

1) Title of paper.
2) 150-word abstract.
3) Author’s name.
4) Author’s institutional affiliation.
5) Author’s email address.
6) Indicate whether you would be willing to serve as a commentator should your paper not be accepted.

Please send submissions for the main program to Eva Cadavid at [email protected] with ‘KPA SUBMISSION’ appearing in the subject line. This conference is being held jointly with the Indiana Philosophical Association. Individuals are asked not to submit their work to both organizations.

CALL FOR PAPERS—Student Essay Contest

Submissions: follow requirements listed above for submissions to the general meeting.

Eligibility: This contest is open to any undergraduate student who attends a college or university in the commonwealth of Kentucky. Each contestant may submit one essay entry only.

Awards: The first place winner will receive $100 and be asked to read the paper at the KPA spring 2014 meeting. The runner up will receive a letter of recognition from the Kentucky Philosophical Association.

Please send contest submissions to Matthew Pianalto at [email protected] with “KPA STUDENT CONTEST SUBMISSION” appearing in the subject line.

Deadline for both calls: February 20, 2015 (extended from 2/10/15)

Contact: Eva Cadavid, Philosophy Program, Centre College, 600 West Walnut Street, KY 40422, 859-238-5945, [email protected]

Supporting material

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