Does Standard Modal Logic Adequately Represent Metaphysics?Dana Goswick (University of Melbourne)
G16 (Jim Potter Room)
Old Physics Building
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Abstract: Standard alethic modal logic accepts the equivalence of necessarily and not possibly not ([]∂≡~◊~∂). Standard deontic logic accepts the equivalence of obligatory to and not permissible not to (OB∂≡~PE~∂). Standard tense logic accepts the equivalence of has at all times and has not at some time not (H∂≡~P~∂). I argue that the purposes of metaphysics are not best served by standard alethic modal logic. In so arguing, I exploit the structural similarities between standard alethic modal logic and standard deontic and tense logic. In section I, I argue that counterexamples arise to OB∂≡~PE~∂, H∂≡~P~∂, and []∂≡~◊~∂. In section II, I suggest two ways of modifying standard modal logic to block the counterexamples.
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