CFP: 3rd Barcelona Conference on Gender, Race and Sexuality: Issues in Language and Politics
Submission deadline: January 15, 2016
Conference date(s):
June 22, 2016 - June 23, 2016
Conference Venue:
Departament de Lògica, Història i Filosofia de la Ciència, Universitat de Barcelona
Topic areas
The conference will focus on issues in philosophy of gender, race, and sexuality, with special attention to issues in language and politics, including but not limited to: slurs and pejorative terms, generics, hate speech, pornography, the meaning of terms for race, gender and sex, and ameliorative projects in philosophy.
Invited Speakers:
- Luvell Anderson (Memphis)
- Anne Eaton (Illinois-Chicago)
- Quayshawn Spencer (Pennsylvania)
Submissions of full papers (up to 4000 words, plus an abstract up to 150 words) are invited. Please send them in suitable form for anonymous reviewing as PDF attachments to [email protected]. The closing date for submissions is 15 January 2016. We expect to confirm which papers have been accepted by the end of March. Budget permitting, accommodation expenses for contributed speakers will be covered.
Organized by:
Esa Diaz-Leon (Department of Logic, History & Philosophy of Science; University of Barcelona), sponsored by a Ramon y Cajal Research Grant (RYC-2012-10900), Spanish Government.