The Inconsistency of the Doctrine of the Trinity with That of Monotheism. The Straighforward Demonstration.Richard Hennessey (Merrimack College (Retired))
part of:
The Metaphysics of the Trinity: New Directions
Corpus Christi College
United Kingdom
- Aristotelian Society
- Templeton World Charity Foundation
Topic areas
In the proposed paper I will present the straightforward demonstration, using the logic of identity and in the strictest sense of demonstration, of the inconsistency of the doctrine of monotheism with the doctrine of the real plurality of divine persons. I offer the proof in two versions. The first version sets it forth in what is almost ordinary English, albeit an English “regimented” in such a way as to remove the ambiguity of really ordinary English and to make every inferential step obvious, even painfully obvious. The second version, pretty much as fully formalized as the application of the formal logic of identity to the doctrines at hand can be, will be offered in the forma of a handout, as its oral presentation would pretty much unlistenable.
An earlier version of the paper can be seen as in my post of April 4, 2014, “The Inconsistency of the Doctrine of (the Distinction of Divine Persons and so That of ) the Trinity with Monotheism,”on my blog, After Aristotle, at
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