Starting from the Actual: Working Against Oppression and Marginalization
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Michigan State University 17th Annual Graduate Philosophy Conference
Starting from the Actual: Working Against Oppression and Marginalization
March 18th-19th, 2016
Keynote: Erinn Gilson (University of North Florida)
Faculty Keynote: Kyle Whyte (Michigan State University)
Although philosophy has long been concerned with issues of ethics, social and political philosophy, there has been a tendency in mainstream accounts to address these concerns from an abstract and privileged perspective. Philosophical theorizing detached from the actual reality of oppression within society has produced distorted understandings and helped reinforce the status quo. In our conference we want to promote philosophical theorizing that subverts such detachment and distortion. Our goal is to help create space for philosophical work that addresses oppression and marginalization from starting points of actual oppression.
We encourage contributions that are working with feminist, critical race, decolonial, transnational, disability, queer, trans, and Indigenous theories. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
Intersection of multiple forms of oppression and marginalization
Ideal theory and non-ideal theory
Feminist care ethics and justice ethics
Epistemologies of resistance and/or epistemic oppression
Uses and critiques of identity-based politics
Transnationalism, migration, and/or refugee status
Climate change and vulnerable populations
Political protest and demonstration
Solidarity between marginalized communities
Feminist moral psychology (trust, shame, outrage, etc.)
Agency and responsibility with regard to oppression
Analysis of embodiment and/or implications of embodiment for theorizing
Metaphilosophical and/or climate critiques of how academic philosophy is practiced as a discipline
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions should be sent to [email protected]. They should be prepared for blind review with cover sheet including author's name, university affiliation, and email address. Papers should not exceed 4000 words. They should be accompanied by a short abstract (up to 250 words).
Submission Deadline: January 31, 2016
Notification of acceptance no later than: February 14, 2016
If you have questions, please contact [email protected].
This is a student event (e.g. a graduate conference).
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