Epistemic Depedence on Others and Artifacts
January 14, 2016 - January 15, 2016
Faculty of Philosophy, Autonomous University of Madrid
J. Adam Carter
University of Edinburgh
Pascal Engel
Elizabeth Fricker
Oxford University
Sanford Goldberg
Northwestern University
John Greco
Saint Louis University
Bjørn Hallson
University of Copenhagen
Klemens Kappel
University of Copenhagen
Christoph Kelp
KU Leuven
Jennifer Lackey
Northwestern University
Benjamin McMyler
Texas A&M University
Fernando Broncano-Berrocal
KU Leuven
Vega Jesús
Autonomous University of Madrid
Jesús Vega
Autonomous University of Madrid
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If you are interested in attending the workshop, please send a confirmation e-mail *before January 5* to [email protected].
The workshop is funded by the following research projects of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: FFI2014-55256-REDT "Epistemology and Society: From Individual to Distributed Knowledge" and FFI2013-45659-R "Material Cultures, Epistemic Cultures, Standards, Cognitive Processes, and Knowledge".
January 5, 2016, 6:00pm CET
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1 person is attending:
Universitat de Barcelona
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