CFP: What is Reasoning? The Unity and Distinctness of Practical and Theoretical Reasoning
Submission deadline: March 6, 2016
Conference date(s):
June 2, 2016 - June 4, 2016
Conference Venue:
Department of Philosophy, University of Leipzig
We warmly invite submissions to the 2016 Leipzig Workshop on Reasoning.
Papers of high quality on the philosophy of inference and reasoning are welcome. Here are some examples of possible paper topics:
Inference in general: What is it? How does it work? In what sense, if any, do we have to take our own inferences to be good? What do we need inference for? How does inference relate to other mental acts and attitudes?
Theoretical inference: When does theoretical inference give us knowledge? What makes a theoretical inference good? Is the “good-making-feature” different for different kinds of theoretical inference? How does theoretical inference differ from other ways of acquiring knowledge?
Practical inference: What is the relation between practical rationality and practical reasoning? How do practical inference and virtue or moral worth hang together (if at all)? What is the conclusion of a practical inference (an intention, an action, a judgment about what is good, or something else entirely)? What role, if any, does a conception of the good or the right play in practical reasoning?
The relation between theoretical and practical inference: What are the differences between theoretical and practical inference? What are the similarities? Do they have some kind of common root or stem? Are they species of a common genus?
Papers should be no longer than 6.000 words and suitable for a one hour presentation (including discussion).
Papers should be prepared for BLIND REVIEW, and include an abstract no longer than 150 words. Please submit your pdf or word-document via Easychair:
Deadline: 6th of March 2016
Authors will be notified about the selection by late March, 2016.