Workshop on Eliminativism

July 4, 2016 - July 7, 2016
University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Ovronnaz Thermalp Hotel


  • CUSO


University of Fribourg
Mark Heller
Syracuse University
University of California, Santa Barbara
Trenton Merricks
University of Virginia
Alex Miller
University of Otago
Laurie Paul
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

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In one of its most famous forms, eliminativism is the idea that tables, shoes, and trees don't exist - actually, none of the objects we seem to be seeing around us do. Only something like "fundamental particles arranged tablewise" exist. But in general there can be many eliminativisms about many things. For instance, in aesthetics it has been argued that musical works do not exist. Eliminativism has also been defended in the field of the philosophy of mind or in the case of the Self. In this workshop, we will be interested in particular cases of eliminativism but also in the general strategy and common points between different brands of eliminativism. We will also be interested in the relationship beween eliminativism and reductionism: what is the difference between eliminating X and reducing X ?

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May 31, 2016, 5:00am CET

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