Explanation and Understanding

May 19, 2016 - May 20, 2016
Centre for Science Studies, Department of Mathematics, Aarhus University

Ny Munkegade 118
Aarhus 8000

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  • Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF)


Lingnan University
Richard Dawid
Stockholm University
University of California, Los Angeles
Henk de Regt
Free University Amsterdam


Samuel Schindler
University of Aarhus

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In both science and philosophy, good theories provide good explanations. Views on explanation diverge strongly. Explanation has been held to be brought about by subsumption under laws of nature, by unification, or by description of causes. Regardless, explanation is generally agreed to be an epistemic concern. Not so understanding. It was long ignored or thought to simply follow from explanation. More recently, some have defended understanding as a more independent phenomenon worthy of investigation. This workshop will discuss some of the latest developments in the debate and possible ways of advancing it.

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