CFP: Hermeneutics Today: Philosophers on Literature
Submission deadline: March 14, 2016
Conference date(s):
April 20, 2016 - April 22, 2016
Conference Venue:
Universidad de Granada
Topic areas
The Research Project “Hermeneutics Today: Current Trends and Authors” presents the 1st International Conference “Hermeneutics Today: Philosophers on Literature”. The goal of the conference is to promote thought and dialogue on literature from the standpoint of current philosophical debates. To this end, specialists in Literary Theory, Philosophy and Aesthetics are invited to explore literature by referring to hermeneutic questions such as meaning, truth, knowledge, understanding, or interpretation. The first objective of the conference is to renew the dialogue on the meanings of literature between literary theorists and philosophers. This debate reached a turning point in the last quarter of the past century thanks to the contributions of Gadamer, Ricœur, and Derrida. After the end of the period termed by Eagleton “the golden age of cultural theory”, recent contributions such as Eagleton’s The Event of Literature or Derek Attridge’s The Singularity of Literature have rekindled the interest in the verbal work of art and its aesthetic specificity. This marks by no means a return to the literary theory of the 60s and 70s, but rather the consolidation of a hermeneutic idea of literature, as demonstrated by the new importance of the understanding of alterity through Attridge’s concept of “creative reading”.
Consequently, the second objective of the conference is to analyse the extent of this debate in aesthetics and the philosophy of literature. The conference will address the question on the role of the hermeneutic conception of literature in the reflections on literature and/or the arts in some of the most influential philosophers of our days. the contributions will analyse authors such as Dieter Henrich, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Werner Hamacher, Christoph Menke, J. M. Salanskis, or Reinhart Koselleck, who specifically examine questions of literary hermeneutics, and, on the other hand, philosophers who, despite not being directly ascribed to hermeneutics, have raised questions which are related to it, such as Martha Nussbaum, Giorgio Agamben, Jacques Rancière, Jean-Claude Passeron, Félix de Azúa, Vincent Descombes, Judith Butler, Didi-Huberman, and Saul Kripke, to name a few.
Sultana Wahnón.
Ioana Gruia
Organizing Committee:
Ana Hidalgo Rodríguez
Tomás Espino Barrera
Gemma Pimenta Soto
Alfonso Castillo Peragón
Ángel Iglesias Amaro
Scientific Committee:
José Domínguez Caparrós
María Ángeles Hermosilla Álvarez
María Isabel López Martínez
José María Pozuelo Yvancos
Denis Thouard
María José Vega Ramos
Darío Villanueva Prieto
We welcome proposals examining the production of contemporary philosophers on questions implicitly or explicitly related to literary meaning and/or literary interpretation, including readings on particular literary works. Abstracts (in Spanish, English or French) should be submitted to Ioana Gruia: [email protected] by 15 March 2016.