Risk, Justice and Liberty
October 26, 2012 - October 28, 2012
Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy (CAEP), Hokkaido University
Simon Blackburn
Cambridge University
Ruth Chadwick
Cardiff University
Seumas Miller
Delft University of Technology
Kristin Shrader-Frechette
University of Notre Dame
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Duke University
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Up to ten travel awards of between 20,000 and 40,000 JPY (equivalent to approx. 240–480 USD) are available for graduate students and non-tenured scholars. Priority is given to overseas students/non-tenured scholars who present papers. Instructions and an application form are available from the CAEP webpage:
Conference Chair: Shunzo Majima
Program Chair: Takashi Masubuchi
For further details, please visit our website:
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