Workshop on Ethics
Aula Crociera Alta
Via Festa del Perdono 7
Milano 20122
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What are the main topics under philosophical debate with regards to ethics today? What is the difference, if there is one, between morals and ethics? What is the object of research and studies on the relationship between action and moral responsibility, between metaethical theories and rights, between just and justified?
The Workshop on ethics - that will be held at the University of Milan in the Crociera Alta room on the 14th June 2012 from 9 am to 6 pm– will attempt a clearer rephrasing of each of these questions by putting three important Italian researchers of ethics and moral philosophy (Mario De Caro, Carla Bagnoli and Luciana Ceri) in dialogue with students and PhD holders that are starting to face these themes in their philosophical research.
The workshop on ethics, which is organised by Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior (University of Milan and Junior Italian Association of Analytical Philosophy) and Doiè, Research Centre for Pure and Applied Philosophy, aims at promoting philosophical research in ethics, by offering junior scholars the opportunity to encounter and confront some of the greatest Italian experts on the topic.
Call for Abstracts
| Revision method
The Workshop is organised in collaboration with Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior. All contributions will undergo blind revision through the standard procedure of peer review of the journal. The journal is committed to communicating a response on the acceptance of the article directly to the author.
| Who can send an abstract
All students or PhD holders in philosophy are welcome to send us and abstract of their talk during the junior session. These talks will take place in between the three speaker’s lectures, on the basis of the topic.
| Topics
Abstracts and related talks, that will be published both in text and video format on the website, will have to deal with one of the following topics:
1. Theory of action and moral responsibility;
2. Ethics and free will;;
3. Ethics and metaethics;
4. Human and/or animal bioethics (including gender studies, studies on the human-animal relationship and so on);
5. Contemporary ethical theories;
6. Difference between just and justified;
7. History of analytical ethics (from Moore onwards);
8. Morals-rights relationship.
| Length
Abstracts must not exceed 400 words, and the talk should not last for more than 30 minutes. We accept doc and pdf formats.
| Deadline
Abstracts must be sent by the 1st May 2012 to the email address [email protected]. The journal Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior is committed to giving a response regarding the acceptance of the article by the same date directly to the author.
When and Where
| When
The Workshop will be held on Thursday 14th June 2012 from 9 am to 6 pm.
| Where
The Workshop will take place at the University of Milan in in via Festa del Perdono 7, in the Crociera Alta room next to the Department of Philosophy.
On this page we will publish, by the 15th May 2012, all the abstracts sent by the contributors.
Junior Speakers
The list of junior contributors will be notified by the 15th May 2012, after receiving and evaluating all the abstracts.
Who is attending?
No one has said they will attend yet.
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