Understanding Equality
Senate House, Room 349
Malet Street
London WC1
United Kingdom
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Talks at this conference
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10.00 Coffee and Registration
10.15 Joseph Raz (Columbia & King's College London)
11.45 Coffee
12.00 Veronique Munoz-Darde (UCL & Berkeley)
1.30 Lunch (own arrangements) 2.30 Niko Kolodny (Berkeley)
4.00 Tea
4.30 Sam Scheffler (NYU)
6.00 Close
Registration (essential)
To register please send a message to [email protected] with “Understanding Equality Reg” as the subject header. In the message please state in the following format:
- Surname, Forename
- Your fees category
- Any affiliation (current staff and students should state department and/or course)
Fees (includes all teas)
No charge: Current staff and students of UoL Philosophy & IP individual members
£10 Staff and students of other Philosophy Depts
£25 Standard
All fees will be taken at the conference venue and you will only be contacted in advance if there is a query with your registration.
May 25, 2012, 10:00am BST
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