Between Selfhood and Self-awareness: Varieties of Subjectivity in the Arabic and Latin Traditions

April 12, 2012 - April 13, 2012
European Research Council

Georgenstraße 24

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Thursday, 12th of April 2012

9.15 Welcome

Morning Session

Chair: Juhana Toivanen

9.45 Taneli Kukkonen (Univ. of Jyväskylä and Univ. of Otago):

“Self-rebuke, self-discovery, self-awareness: Sufi practice and theory transformed”

10.45 Break

11.00 Lukas Muehlethaler (Freie Universität Berlin):

“Bare self-awareness as cognitive basis in the epistemology of Abū l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī”

12.00 Break

12.15 Susan Brower-Toland (Saint Louis University):

“Olivi on consciousness and subjectivity”

13.15 Break

Afternoon Session

Chair: Jari Kaukua

14.45 Martine Pécharman (CNRS-Maison Française d'Oxford):

“Cudworth on the ‘I myself’”

15.45 Break

16.15 Vili Lähteenmäki (Univ. of Jyväskylä and HU Berlin):

“Locke on self-consciousness and the self”

Friday, 13th of April 2012

Morning Session

Chair: Tim Riggs

9.15 Meryem Sebti (CNRS-Paris):

“Avicenna’s flying man argument as a  proof of the immortality of the soul”

10.15 Break

10.30 Jari Kaukua (Univ. of Jyväskylä):

“The soul’s closed book: Opacity of the human self in Mulla Sadra”

11.30 Break

11.45 Dominik Perler (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin):

“How can I be aware of my intellectual states? A debate between Ockham and Chatton”

12.45 Break

Afternoon Session

Chair: Janne Mattila

14.15 Sonja Schierbaum (Universität Hamburg):

“The Structure of reflexivity: Ockham’s conception of self-knowledge and self-awareness in relation to his general theory of knowledge and cognition”

15.15 Break

15.45 Katalin Farkas (CEU, Budapest):

“Sensations and the self in Descartes”

16.45 Break

17.00 Christian Barth (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin):

“Consciousness and self-consciousness in Leibniz”

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