Call For Abstracts [Extended Deadline]: About life. Theories, Concepts and Images of the Living | 1st FI.NO. Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy

Submission deadline: September 30, 2016

Conference date(s):
November 10, 2016 - November 11, 2016

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

FINO Consortium
Torino, Italy

Topic areas


Università degli studi di Torino – Scuola di Dottorato in Studi Umanistici

Consorzio di Dottorato in Filosofia del NordOvest – FI.NO

Fondazione Fondo Ricerca e Talenti

10-11 November 2016

About life. Theories, Concepts and Images of the Living

1st FI.NO. Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy

Call for abstracts

The PhD Consortium FI.NO., with the contribution of Fondazione Fondo Ricerca e Talenti, is organising the international Graduate Conference “About Life. Theories, Concepts and Images of the Living”, which will take place from 10 to 11 November 2016.

The first FI.NO. Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy aims at bringing together graduate students and young researchers whose work draws on the notion of life.

Philosophy struggles to determinate and specify the concept of life in its various connotations and meanings. The dichotomy between Zoé and Bios helps in articulating the distinction between a notion of life conceived respectively as something simply lived, as an object, and life as something characterized by a duration, a biography, to which we may ascribe a specific and higher value. These conceptual couples underlie on the one hand the controversial and intensively discussed separation between organic and inorganic world and on the other hand the relationship between animal and human life. In this sense, the human being has to be considered not only as a biological organism, a mere member of a species, but also as an individual, part of a larger context. This seems to widen the horizons of philosophical research towards a deeper investigation on the boundaries between individual and collective, framed both in biological (organism and species) and in socio-political and cultural dimension (individual and society).

Although many reductionist attempts have been made in order to explain specificity of life exclusively through physical, chemical, i.e. non-living language, hard sciences tend to accept the challenge of a philosophical and anti-reductionist thought.

Is it possible to address the peculiarity of life and the living without violating the legal limits of natural science? How could it be done?

We invite contributions from the following perspectives:

-       Theoretical Philosophy – Ontology

-       Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind

-       Phenomenology

-       Philosophical Anthropology and Social Philosophy

-       Philosophy of Language

-       Philosophy of Science and Biology

-       Aesthetics

-       Ethics


Keynote Speakers

Renaud Barbaras - Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

Davide Tarizzo - Università degli studi di Salerno

Charles Wolfe - Ghent University 

Submission guidelines

Submission Deadline: 15 September 2016 [Extended Deadline: 30 September 2016]

The Conference is addressed to PhD students and researchers who have no more than 5 years post-Doctoral experience.

The time limit for each presentation is 20/25 minutes, followed by discussion.

Please submit an abstract of 500 words (title included) in .pdf format by 15 September to the following address: [email protected]

Working languages of the conference is English. It is planned to publish the conference papers in a collected volume. Additional information about this will be given in due time.

The submission needs to include two documents in pdf-format:

-       Abstract of the presentation (500 words maximum), prepared for blind review

-       Document which states name, address, institutional affiliation and title of the presentation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the organizers using the e-mail address below: [email protected]

Supporting material

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