Workshop: Experimental Philosophy and Philosophical Methodology

October 4, 2016 - October 5, 2016
Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick

Seminar Room on the first floor of the Institute of Advanced Studies
Millburn House, University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7HS
United Kingdom

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities


  • Aristotelian Society
  • The Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • Mind Association


Brooklyn College (CUNY)
Guy Kahane
Oxford University
Antti Kauppinen
University of Tampere
University of Hong Kong
Johnnie Pedersen
University of Warwick
Regina Rini
New York University
Tom Sorell
University of Warwick
Stephen Stich
Rutgers University

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September 26, 2016, 5:00am BST

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