Humans, Machines and the Future of Work
December 5, 2016 - December 6, 2016
De Lange Conferences, Rice University
BioScience Research Collaborative (BRC) - Rice University
6500 Main Street
Houston 77005
United States
Diane Bailey
The University of Texas at Austin
Guruduth Banavar
IBM Research
John Seely Brown
Daniel Castro
University of the Azores
Stuart Elliott
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Richard Freeman
Harvard University and The National Bureau of Economic Research
Eszther Hargittai
Northwestern University
John Leslie King
University of Michigan School of Information
Vijay Kumar
University of Pennsylvania
John Markoff
New York Times
Lawrence Mishel
Economic Policy Institute
Joel Mokyr
Northwestern University and Tel Aviv University
David Nordfors
i4j Innovation for Jobs
Debra Satz
Stanford University
Manuela M. Veloso
Carnegie Mellon University
Judy Wajcman
London School of Economics
Moshe Vardi
Rice University
Talks at this conference
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The conference will focus on issues created by the impact of information technology on labor markets over the next 25 years, addressing questions such as:
- What advances in artificial intelligence, robotics and automation are expected over the next 25 years?
- What will be the impact of these advances on job creation,job destruction and wages in the labor market?
- What skills are required for the job market of the future?
- Can education prepare workers for that job market?
- What educational changes are needed?
- What economic and social policies are required to integrate people who are left out of future labor markets?
- How can we preserve and increase social mobility in such an environment?
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