Heart of DARCness
Prof Huw Price (Cambridge University)

October 13, 2016, 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Faculty House, Columbia University

Room # shown at the entrance
64 Morningside Dr
New York 10027
United States


Robby Finley
Columbia University
Haim Gaifman
Columbia University
Yang Liu
Cambridge University
Rohit Parikh
City University of New York

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Abstract. Alan Hajek has recently criticised the thesis that Deliberation Crowds Out Prediction (renaming it the DARC thesis, for 'Deliberation Annihilates Reflective Credence'). Hajek's paper has reinforced my sense that proponents and opponents of this thesis often talk past one other. To avoid confusions of this kind we need to dissect our way to the heart of DARCness, and to distinguish it from various claims for which it is liable to be mistaken. In this talk, based on joint work with Yang Liu, I do some of this anatomical work. Properly understood, I argue, the heart is in good shape, and untouched by Hajek's jabs at surrounding tissue. Moreover, a feature that Hajek takes to be problem for the DARC thesis – that it commits us to widespread 'credal gaps' – turns out to be a common and benign feature of a broad class of cases, of which deliberation is easily seen to be one.  


We will be having dinner right after the meeting at the faculty house. Please let Robby ([email protected]) know if you will be joining us so that he can make an appropriate reservation (please be advised that at this point the university only agrees to cover the expenses of the speaker and the rapporteur and that the cost for all others is $30, payable by cash or check).   

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