Webinar on Mixed Reality Market - Slow Uptake but Better Growth Opportunities Compared to Virtual and Augmented Reality

part of: Technology in the Age of Information
March 9, 2017, 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa


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After the big computers came the smaller laptops, further smaller arrived the mobile phones & tablets; the next evolution wave was the internet; post-internet, the world witnessed AR and VR. The buzz of Virtual and Augmented Reality today is very vast. Not only are they well-established, their reach continues to grow. Along with this latest wave of evolution, lies the marvelous concept of Mixed Reality.

“Mixed Reality is THE Next Reality! While Microsoft’s betting on ‘mixed reality’, the Outgrowth of Mixed Reality has the potential to Transform Communication, Collaboration and the Future of the Workplace”- IndustryARC.

Several startups are taking interest in the Mixed Reality Market with the existing proofs of how saturate a medium this is, for marketers. “Bored with the virtual reality” could be the common phrase soon with rising number of players and investors showing keen interest in R&D of Mixed Reality Market. Identifying obstacles and solutions is the smartest avenue competitors are opting for in order to bring mixed reality into existence for the best.

Mixed reality has the potential to allow a global workforce of remote teams to work together and tackle an organization’s business challenges. – External Source

According to IndustryARC survey, a combination of virtual, augmented and mixed reality Gaming can be one of the biggest game changers in the coming future. Let’s consider the exquisite Pokémon Go location based augmented reality mobile game developed by John Hanke, a few weeks ago. Who knew (I’m sure he himself didn’t) that the invention would create such dazzling buzz worldwide for android and iPhone users? None! So why is it so? Because this revolution is far more immersive than you can think or imagine!

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