CFP: Crossroads: An interdisciplinary journal for the study of history, philosophy, religion and classics

Submission deadline: June 1, 2013

Topic areas


Crossroads: An interdisciplinary journal for the study of history, philosophy, religion and classics, is an on-line journal published in association with the School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics at The University of Queensland, Australia.

The journal is pleased to announce an upcoming series of issues titled The Century Series.

A series of issues will publish academic articles themed around the history, philosophy, religious studies or classics studies of a specific century.

The first in the series will be the 17th Century.

Publication is anticipated to be in the second half of 2013. All long articles undergo a rigorous double blind peer-review process. Book reviews and shorter relevant articles are also welcome. The editors would appreciate notification of your intention to submit.

Crossroads accepts submissions for general un-themed issues at any time.

Submissions and queries should be addressed to: [email protected]

The journal can be currently viewed at:

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