Logical Pluralism from a Pragmatic Perspective
Teresa Kouri (Ohio State University)

May 5, 2017, 8:00am - 10:00am
Logic Group, The University of Melbourne

Old Quad
Parkville 3010


Shawn Standefer
University of Melbourne

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Teresa Kouri (OSU) will present "Logical Pluralism from a Pragmatic Perspective" at 12 in Old Quad G09. This talk will be via Skype. 

Abstract: There are several options for logical pluralism on the table. I will present a view of logical pluralism which can account for the fact that there are some non-mathematical contexts in which distinct logics seem to have logical terms which mean the same thing, and some contexts in which distinct logics have logical terms which are not pairwise synonymous. None of the logical pluralisms on the table can easily readily accommodate this. I will discuss the factor which a ects the meanings of the logical connectives, and then sketch an account of logical connective meanings which works in light of this factor. Ultimately, I will suggest that we cannot ask about the meanings of the logical connectives outside of a context, as doing so is asking an external question, in the Carnapian sense, and is illegitimate.  

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