CFP: The Art of Morality: Developing Moral Sensitivity Across the Curriculum

Submission deadline: July 30, 2012

Conference date(s):
October 4, 2012 - October 6, 2012

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Grand Valley State University
Grand Rapids, United States

Topic areas


Keynote Speaker: Michael Slote, University of Miami, author of Moral Sentimentalism, and The Ethics of Care and Empathy.

This year's theme on the art of morality and developing moral sensitivity was chosen in part because the dates of the conference correspond to the ArtPrize event in Grand Rapids, an international art competition that brings 1200+ pieces of art to the city. The streets and parks are alive with performances, paintings, photography, and art sculptures, and museums offer free admission to indoor and outdoor exhibits.

Because different fields such as medicine, business, law, social work, journalism, and so on vary in the kinds of social relations and engagements between professionals and their clients, developing moral sensitivity within each field may be something unique and akin to learning an art form. Being perceptive and emphathetic to the needs of others and the moral demands of a situation are important skills for moral action and essential for personal development. How we are to teach students to engage in moral actions and to develop necessary sympathies, perceptual abilities, and reasoning skills are pressing questions. In terms of content and theory, what are we to teach our students across the curriculum? What content in our classrooms serves to develop moral sensitivity as a personal matter, and what is the relationship between moral sensitivity and reasoning? In terms of practice, how do we teach them? What specific exercises, strategies, service learning projects, or artistic media develop moral sensitivity, and are the practices akin to an art form or easily applicable across the curriculum?

Although the theme of the conference highlights the art of morality across the curriculum, the Society encourages submissions on all issues regarding ethics across the curriculum.

Send submissions (papers, abstracts or panel proposals), formatted for blind review, by July 30, 2012 to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society via email to Donna Werner ([email protected]) or by hard copy to Dr. Peggy Vandenberg, Philosophy Department, B-3 205 MAK, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI 49401, Phone: 616 331 2496

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