CFP: SOPhiA 2017
Submission deadline: May 1, 2017
Conference date(s):
September 13, 2017 - September 15, 2017
Conference Venue:
Department of Philosophy, University of Salzburg
Topic areas
CALL FOR PAPERS (Salzburg, deadline: May 1, 2017)
Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy: SOPhiA 2017
September 13 - 15, 2017
Department of Philosophy (Humanities), University of Salzburg, Austria
SOPhiA 2017 provides an opportunity for students and doctoral candidates in philosophy to take a first peek into the philosophical business and to get in touch with prospective or well established philosophers. Contributions in every discipline of philosophy (epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, etc.) are welcome. As common in analytic philosophy, contributors should make use of understandable language as well as rational argumentation. In addition to the conference presentations there will also be affiliated workshops on selected topics in analytic philosophy.
Keynote Speakers:
* Johannes Brandl (University of Salzburg)
* Christian List (London School of Economics)
* Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh)
* Stathis Psillos (University of Athens)
Affiliated workshops:
* Formal Approaches to Prototype Concepts (Organizers: Annika Schuster & Corina Stroessner, University of Duesseldorf)
* Grounding in and after Bolzano (Organizers: Antje Rumberg & Jan Claas, Constance & Hamburg)
* Modeling Physical Reality (Organizer: Florian Boge, Wuppertal)
* The Power to Change: Dispositions and Persistence (Organizer: Florian Fischer, Bonn)
* Values in Science: Perspectives from Philosophy of Science, Ethics, and Language Philosophy (Organizers: Frauke Albersmeier & Alexander Christian, Duesseldorf)
Call for papers:
Students and doctoral candidates (pre-doc) in philosophy are encouraged to submit an abstract (in English or German) prepared for double-blind review. We are committed to fostering diversity and equality in our programs. Submissions from underrepresented groups are particularly welcome. Abstracts should not exceed 2.000 characters. All submissions should be suitable for a presentation of approximately 20 minutes in length (plus 10 minutes discussion). Please submit your abstract with a biographical note and a short CV attached in a separate document at until May 1, 2017. Attendees are asked to register at the same site before the conference.
SOPhiA best paper award:
Contributors are also invited to submit a full paper (from 4.000 up to 8.000 words) not including any author or affiliation information. A selection of full papers will be published in KRITERION -- Journal of Philosophy. The best contribution will also be awarded with 250 EUR at SOPhiA 2017. Please prepare your full paper according to the guidelines available at and submit it via e-mail (subject line: SOPhiA 2017) to [email protected]. Please note that only full papers in English submitted before the general deadline (May 1, 2017) can be considered for the SOPhiA best paper award.
Submission deadline: May 1, 2017
Notification deadline: June 1, 2017