Empire, Capital, & Transnational Resistance

September 13, 2017 - September 15, 2017
Centre for Applied, Philosophy, Politics & Ethics, University of Brighton

Grand Parade
United Kingdom


John Chalcraft
London School of Economics

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Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (CAPPE)

University of Brighton

12th Annual, International, Interdisciplinary Conference




Wednesday 13th – Friday 15th September 2017

University of Brighton, UK

Call for Papers:

The anti-colonial revolts of the 1950s and 1960s ran into the sands of neoliberalism from the late 1970s onwards. Operating as it has through neoliberal structures, corporate power has since played an increasingly prominent role in government and governance in the former ‘metropoles’, in former colonies, and in relations across the two.  

The Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics welcomes interdisciplinary papers on the implications of, and forms of resistance to, the prominence of corporate power in the postcolonial age. We welcome contributions from, among others, philosophy, politics, ethics, area studies, global ethics, geography, cultural and critical theory.

Possible themes include:

 * Philosophical, political and ethical analyses of 'Empire', 'Capital', 'Resistance' and related concepts

* How the changing relationship between state and corporation relates to continuing colonial relations 

* How the changing relationship between state and corporation affects understandings of citizenship

* The role of the state in a neoliberal and/or postcolonial age

* The interrelations between rising corporate power and the disciplinary and/or securitising powers of the state, in the context of neocolonialism and neoliberalism

* The implications of the above changes for political action and resistance today

* The role of postmodernism and the question of difference in the neoliberal conjuncture

* Understandings of anti- and/or de- colonial politics in this context

* What the experiences of ‘the periphery’ have to say about how we understand contemporary politics and political action

* Borders

* The relationship between (post)colonialism, (neo)liberalism and the rise of populisms (right and/or left)

* Trump, Brexit and the Right: implications for realignments of resistance

Please email ABSTRACTS, of no more than 300 words, for a 20-min. presentation, to Bob Brecher -- [email protected] -- by 15 March 2017.

The conference fee is £210. This includes refreshments, lunch on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and a buffet dinner on the Thursday evening. There are a limited number of places available for graduate students and for people who have no institutional affiliation at the reduced price of £105. Please indicate if you wish to be considered for one of these places when sending your abstract.

Please note: the conference fee does not include accommodation and, unfortunately, we are unable to offer travel grants or other forms of financial assistance. A limited amount of reasonably priced student halls of residence accommodation is available on a first come first served basis.  

For further information about the Centre see: www.brighton.ac.uk/CAPPE

For further information about the conference and/or for updates please email Ian Sinclair: [email protected]

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