CFP: "Justice",ViraVerita E-Journal

Submission deadline: May 1, 2017

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Call For Papers for 6th Issue of ViraVerita Peer-reviewed E-journal: ‘Justice’

ViraVerita is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed e-journal. We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the next issue. We invite papers addressing the concept of ‘Justice’ from the perspective of related fields of Humanities and Social Sciences and in accordance with ViraVerita’s interdisciplinary character.

‘Justice’, as one of the most fundamental issue of the history of ideas, has been discussed with regard to its position in the tension between universalism and relativity, its appearance in ideology, religion or art, the possibility of its establishment (or re-establishment), and it has never lost its topicality in humanities and social sciences throughout the centuries.

            As a core notion and essential subject of social sciences, justice become most evident in the course of citizenship, individuals' relations between each other and with their social groups, in family and school life, and in the manner of their attitudes towards their living spaces, i.e. habitat, nature and other living beings.

            In our next issue, we also intend to discuss justice in some other contexts such as justifying mechanisms which could emerge as a consequence of injustice experiences and/or how people cope with these kind of experiences; relations between justice, ‘values’, and ‘rights’, in other words its relation with ‘ethics’ and ‘politics’, the relevance of justice to ‘law’ and ‘virtue’, and last but not least, the conditions of occurrence of justice in post-conflict periods.

The submission of other topics that consider Humanities and Social Sciences research for consideration is also welcome.

Deadline for the papers: Mai 1, 2017.

The issue will be published in the first half of 2017.

Submissions should be sent as well-developed essays of 3000-8000 words, including notes and works cited which should be prepared according to the APA Style Manual 6th edition. Please do not include the author’s name anywhere in the manuscript. Essays under review at other journals or previously published in any form will not be considered for publication in ViraVerita. Please also include an abstract with your submission.

All submissions will go through ViraVerita’s normal refereeing process. Please send completed papers to [email protected]

For previous issues see:

* ViraVerita E-Journal welcomes article submissions and does not charge a publication fee. The journal is published online. Articles can be written in English, German, or Turkish.

ViraVerita E-Journal publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, case studies, empirical research, and book reviews.

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