Tyndale-Fellowship Study Group in Philosophy of Religion 2017

June 26, 2017 - June 28, 2017
Tyndale Fellowship

Tyndale House
36 Selwyn Gardens CB3 9BA
United Kingdom

View the Call For Papers


  • Tyndale House, Cambridge


Brian Leftow
Oxford University


Joseph Diekemper
Queen's University, Belfast
Daniel J. Hill
University of Liverpool

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This is an evangelical-Christian conference, though it is open to all philosophers. It is expected that papers will respect the evangelical-Christian tradition, i.e. they will not go against the teaching of the Christian Scriptures, though discussions of philosophical problems and of various interpretations are welcome.

Submissions are welcomed from evangelical Christians, and those of other Christian denominations, other faiths, or no faith, provided that they will respect the ethos of the conference.

Submissions are welcomed from any tradition of philosophy, and the subject matter 'philosophy of religion' is interpreted very broadly.

Submissions are assessed with regard solely to philosophical merit.

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April 30, 2017, 5:00am BST

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#evangelical Christianity, #Biblical Christianity, #Christianity