CFP: Warsaw Workshop on Formal Truth Theories

Submission deadline: May 15, 2017

Conference date(s):
September 28, 2017 - September 30, 2017

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw
Warsaw, Poland

Topic areas


Announcement and Call for Papers

Warsaw Workshop on Formal Truth Theories, September 28-30, 2017.

The Warsaw Workshop on Formal Truth Theories will be held at the University of Warsaw, Poland (Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy) on September 28-30, 2017.

General Information

The notion of truth has been a long-standing centre of attention for logicians, philosophers and mathematicians. In particular, the logical properties of formal theories of truth have been revealed to be relevant to various philosophical questions, such as to discussions on deflationism, sources of semantic paradoxes, philosophical foundations of arithmetic, and many others. In view of this, numbers of aspects of axiomatic and semantic theories of truth have been extensively studied from various angles.

The present Warsaw Workshop on Formal Truth Theories will contribute to the efforts having as their purpose a deeper understanding of the concept of truth. The aim of the meeting is to bring together researchers in logic, philosophy and mathematics addressing a wide range of truth-related topics in order to maintain common ground for new research, to discuss latest results and work in progress and to simply foster cooperation of researchers studying the notion of truth from different perspectives. The scope of the workshop topics includes, but is not limited to:

  • Model-theoretic versus axiomatic approaches to truth,
  • Syntactic and model-theoretic (non)conservativity of axiomatic truth theories,
  • The strength of reflection principles in axiomatic theories of truth,
  • Properties of satisfaction classes (in particular, weakly inductive satisfaction classes) in models of arithmetic,
  • Semantic paradoxes and their solutions,
  • Classical and non-classical logic in truth and satisfaction theories,
  • The relation between formal truth theories and the philosophical standpoints on truth (such as deflationism, correspondence theory, epistemic conceptions),
  • The role of the notion of truth – what philosophical and practical purposes it serves and how these purposes are achieved in various formal truth theories.

We are pleased to announce the following invited speakers:

  • Dora Achourioti (University of Amsterdam)
  • Ali Enayat (University of Gothenburg)
  • Kentaro Fujimoto (University of Bristol)
  • Volker Halbach (University of Oxford)
  • Graham Leigh (University of Gothenburg)
  • Albert Visser (Utrecht University)

Call for Papers:

The workshop will include a session of contributed talks. Authors of contributed papers are requested to submit abstracts in pdf format of around 1000-1500 words by May 15th 2017, to the email address [email protected]. The abstracts should be prepared for blind-review; in particular, the author’s name, institutional affiliation and contact details should be specified separately in the email (not in the abstract). Authors of the accepted papers will have 30 minutes to present their work, including discussion.

 Important Dates:

Submission deadline: May 15, 2017

Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2017

Workshop: September 28-30, 2017

Contact: [email protected]


Organizers: Cezary Cieśliński, Michał Godziszewski, Mateusz Łełyk, Bartosz Wcisło

The workshop is a part of the project Formal truth theories financed by the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN), grant number 2014/13/B/HS1/02892.

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