CFP: The 3rd European Network of Japanese Philosophy Conference

Submission deadline: June 30, 2017

Conference date(s):
November 2, 2017 - November 4, 2017

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Etudes japonaises, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
75005 Paris, , France

Topic areas


What can we learn from a cross-cultural and comparative approach in philosophy? What are the risks and limitations of adopting this method? To what extent can we consider Japanese philosophy as a meaningful paradigm in the field of comparative philosophy? The 3rd European Network of Japanese Philosophy Conference (ENOJP Conference) invites researchers in the field of philosophy to share their reflections on these questions in Paris, France.

Please send your proposal responding to these questions or on any other relevant topics in the field of comparative and Japanese philosophy to the ENOJP conference organizers. Their contact information can be found at The proposal should contain a short abstract of a presentation or a panel (300–500 word with 5 keywords) either in French, English, or Japanese, and each presenter’s CV. For any questions or concerns, please send your inquiries to Laurentiu Andrei or Pierre Bonneels. (For their contact information, please go to the linke entitled "go to the conference's page" at the top of this page or click the following link: 

Supporting material

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#Paris events, #Japanese Philosophy, #Comparative Philosophy, #