Aesthetic Emotions
Senate House
United Kingdom
- British Society of Aesthetics
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There are manifest and important connections between emotional experience and aesthetic experience, particularly (though not only) evident in the appreciation of art.
And although those working on emotions have had an interest in aesthetic experience and those working on aesthetics have had an interest in emotion, much of the work on
each side has proceeded in isolation from concerns on the other. Moreover, the most cutting edge researchers in the respective areas have had less contact than one might
have hoped. We believe that, given the burgeoning of philosophical and psychological interest in emotions and other affective states, the time is ripe to revisit and foster
deeper connections between philosophers of mind and psychologists working on the emotions and aestheticians working on our emotional engagement with art and nature.
Please register (free) by 5PM GMT on August 14th 2017.
If you have further questions, please email either Alex Grzankowski ([email protected]) or Cain Todd ([email protected])
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