2018 John Locke Workshop

July 16, 2018 - July 18, 2018
The John Locke Society

Mansfield College
United Kingdom

View the Call For Papers


Lisa Downing
Ohio State University
Edwin McCann

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The aim of the first official workshop of the John Locke Society (JLS) is to foster interactions among Locke scholars from different disciplines and encourage the development of new scholarship on Locke’s works. Abstracts (of no more than 750 words) on any topic pertaining to Locke are due by NOVEMBER 15, 2017 and can be sent to Antonia LoLordo (lolordo (at) virginia (dot) edu). Final papers should be no longer than 5000 words. The full program will be made available in January 2018. Further information regarding the workshop, accommodation options, and other practical matters will be available at that time.

2018 Locke Workshop Organizers:
Paul Lodge (Mansfield College, Oxford)
Antonia LoLordo (University of Virginia)
Jessica Gordon-Roth (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)

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July 12, 2018, 8:00pm BST

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Lincoln University

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