Philosophical Hermeneutics in the Islamicate Context
- Department of Philosophy, Istanbul 29 Mayis University, Turkey
- Institute for Islamic Sciences and Modern Oriental Philology, University of Bern, Switzerland
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L’herméneutique philosophique en contexte islamique Philosophical Hermeneutics in the Islamicate Context
Colloque international / International Conference Université catholique de Louvain May 9–11 Mai 2018
Organisé par / Organized by
- Institut supérieur de philosophie, Centre d’études phénoménologiques, UCLouvain (S. Camilleri)
- Department of Philosophy, Istanbul 29 Mayis University (S. Varlik)
- Institut für Islamwissenschaft und neuere orientalische Philologie, Universität Bern (U. Goeskens & K. Moser)
This conference would like to engage with one specific context among all those which were and still are, as it were, “affected” by philosophical hermeneutics: the Islamicate context. The latter seems particularly relevant: on the one hand because it is intimately intertwined with the Western context; on the other hand because the Islamicate context retains a clear reference to religion that makes its entanglement with philosophical hermeneutics a burning challenge for all parties involved. The universality of the hermeneutic order should be put to the test of the Islamicate context within three different angles: the exegetical aspect, in order to see in what extend philosophical hermeneutics can contribute to rethink the understanding of the Koran in the contemporary context; the interpretative aspect, to address different contemporary attempts to reinterpret the classical – philosophical, spiritual or legal – heritage; the critical aspect, to present different political and critical issues raised by the question of the encounter between philosophical hermeneutics and Islamic thought.
Mercredi / Wednesday 9
Lieu / Venue: Salle du Conseil FIAL, Place du Cardinal Mercier 14
Herméneutique philosophique et exegese coranique en contexte contemporain
Philosophical Hermeneutics and Qur’anic Exegesis in the Contemporary context
9:45 Welcoming words
10:00 Keynote lecture n°1: Massimo Campanini (Università di Trento), “Philosophical Commentaries on the Qur'an in the Twentieth Century: from Hermeneutics to Praxis”
Pause café / Coffee break
11:15 Urs Goeskens (Universität Bern),
“Shifting Concepts of Religion among Muslim Reformist Theologians and Intellectuals in the Light of Hermeneutics (Nasr Hamid Abu Zeid and Abdolkarim Soroush)”
12:00 Abdessamed Belhaj (UCLouvain),
« Al-Jali d’Abou Ya'rub al-Marzuqi : premier commentaire philosophique entier du Coran ? »
Pause déjeuner / Lunch Break
14:30 Carool Kersten (University College London),
“From Methods of Exegesis to Hermeneutics of Alterity: The Writings of Hasan Hanafi and Hamid Dabashi as Examples of Hermeneutical Thinking in Islamicate Contexts”
15:15 Mansooreh Khalilizand (Universität Erlangen),
“Revelation and Prophetic Reading of the World. Shabestari’s Hermeneutical approach to the Concept of Revelation”
Pause café / Coffee break
16:15 Constance Arminjon (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes),
« De la critique des méthodes exégétiques à la doctrine de l’historicité du Coran : Mojtahed Shabestarî et l’acclimation de l’herméneutique en Islam »
Jeudi / Thursday 10
Lieu / Venue: Louvain House, 4 Terrasse de l'Aula
Revisiter l’héritage classique
Revisiting the Classical Heritage
9:45 Keynote lecture n°2
Nader El-Bizri (American University of Beirut),
“Ontologico-Epistemic Directives in the Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Falsafa”
Pause café / Coffee break
11:00 Selami Varlik (Istanbul 29 Mayis University),
« Phénoménologie christologique vs. philosophie islamique : Ricoeur et le conflit entre inquiétude et certitude »
11:45 Alireza Shomali (Wheaton College),
“The Idea of Political Hermeneutics in Farabi’s Philosophy”
Pause déjeuner / Lunch Break
14:15 Naveen Kanalu Ramamurthy (University of California),
“Hermeneutics in Premodern Islamic Jurisprudential Culture: Interpreting God’s Law through Human Reason”
15:00 Ali Pharaa (Stony Brook University),
“Ibn ‘Arabi’s Station of No Station as a Hermeneutics of Beauty”
Pause café / Coffee break
16 :00 Gregory Vandamme (UCLouvain),
« La perplexité (hayra) au cœur du langage de la révélation dans l’herméneutique coranique d’Ibn ‘Arabî »
16:45 Keynote lecture n°3
Mohammed Chaouki Zine (Université de Tlemcen),
« Interpréter ou ne pas interpréter : La “docte ignorance” de la question herméneutique chez Ibn ‘Arabî »
Vendredi / Friday 11
Lieu / Venue: Salle du Conseil FIAL, Place Cardinal Mercier
Enjeux critiques et politiques
Critical and Political Issues
9:30 Mustafa Ali (The Open University),
“Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Islamicate: Transversals and Reversals”
10:15 Thomas Sojer (Universität Innsbruck),
“Entangled: The Grand Narratives and their Influences on Hermeneutics”
Pause café / Coffee break
11:15 Ezra Tzfadya (Universität Erlangen/Universität Bamberg),
“The 19th Century Origins of Wilayat al-Faqih: A Philosophic-Hermeneutic Approach to ‘Aql’ in the Thought of Mullah Ahmad Naraqi”
Pause déjeuner / Lunch break
14:00 Ahmad Bostani (Kharazmi University of Tehran),
“Henry Corbin’s Hermeneutical Approach: A Critical Appraisal”
14:45 Iddo Dickmann (UCLouvain/University of Colorado),
“The Hermeneutic Concept of Naskh”
Pause café / Coffee break
15:45 Sylvain Camilleri (UCLouvain),
“Outline of a ‘Radical Hermeneutics’ of the Qur’an”
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